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Driving Courses

To understood vehicle controls and their usage, we start our training with a Simulator. It help our student to familiarize with the vehicle controls and basics. Such as use of clutch, change of gears, to move off. There after real vehicle training starts. Once the training on a real vehicle is complete, student taught on Simulator, to familiarized with various conditions such as rain, cold, fog, ghats and dark.

We have special two hours theory lessons with PPT and Video clips every Sunday. These cover areas such as technical know how of vehicles, minor repairs and basic care Motor vehicle Act & Rules, signs and signals, safe driving practices. Road safety are also covered. 

To enable our students to understand their responsibility as driver we provide booklets such as ‘Apaghat Ani Apan’ ‘ Vahan Mitra’. To help them with their learning license test we provide ‘How U Aware’. To help them become expert drivers we provide ‘1st Gear’ ‘Know Ur Car’ and ‘Tips on Safe Driving’.

We offer a range of courses to suit your specific needs. You can pick any time slot between 6 am to 8pm.

We have divided our courses based on vehicle types. For Car we are providing level based course such as level 1, level 2 …….For bike, Rickshaw, Truck, Scooters we are offering regular courses . We also provide driving practice courses as well as theory courses.

Car Driving

Scooter and Bike